International Festival of Youth Creativity FOLK INSPIRATION
is a cultural-educational, interdisciplinary and multicultural event. The idea of this Festival is the willingness to make young people interested in creating different art forms on the basis of cultural tradition of different regions and ethnic groups in the world. Its aim is to stimulate creativity and support amateur young and adult artists by focusing on one’s own culture and culture of different countries. It is an event for vocalists, dancers, instrumentalists, photographers and artists who experiment with folk, folklore and ethno.

FOLK INSPIRATION is an innovative Festival because of its variety of forms of intercultural education, the fact that young people take part in Festival events in an active way and contemporary perception of culture and its folk roots among young people included in Festival mottos: “United by folk!” and “ Folk is OK!”

The Festival stands out among other similar events because of its multiple interesting educational activities for children, youth and adults. Educational and artistic workshops, multimedia and film shows, exhibitions, music projects, culinary fair, presentations of different cultures can be found there as well as concerts on Festival stages. During the Festival, there is a competition called GOLDEN BOAT. Young vocalists, dance and instrumental groups, artists and photographers compete for GOLDEN, SILVER AND BROWN BOATS.

FOLK INSPIRATION is also an opportunity for volunteers-youth and adults- interested in supporting creativity and cultural-artistic events. Students also create and realize some parts of Festival programme. The Festival takes place in culturally important places in Lodz. The Festival is organized by partners: Julian Tuwim Youth Centre in Lodz and Foundation CONVIVO.